Monday, November 2, 2009

Ray Gilbert Wakes Up City Council to Public Health Debacle

Sorry there hasn't been alot of posts lately, I've been quite ill with a bout with the flu and then a nasty cold- but I am still alive and kickin'!!!

Speaking of the flu, particularly the H1N1 vaccine, did anyone attend or watch last week's city council meeting with the health department update?

Was anyone else's jaws falling to the floor???

Thanks to Ray Gilbert, government watchdog and a man with some real horse sense, the public (and city council) got to find out just what was and wasn't being done with regards to the H1N1 vaccine and it's political redtape and bumbling of its distribution and funding.

I was appalled at the lack of foresight and lack of actions taken by Mr. Hill, director of the City of El Paso Department of Public Health!!!

After talking with area hospitals last spring and receiving their assessment that they were overwhelmed with the everyday, let alone people coming in with flu-like symptoms, Hill decided to wait for people and agencies and our government to come to HIM with volunteers of help and an action plan for this coming flu season!!!

Can you believe that?!

Many on city council were pretty outraged, too, that he was not more forthcoming with the needs of the county.

It was back to the "don't ask, don't tell" that Hill relied on, but this time some on city council kept asking the tough questions until they got the full and accurate answers needed.

I think Hill's position should definitely be reviewed, and publicly.

It was embarrassing to see company after company, agency after agency, come up to the podium and offer their assistance for distribution and staff resources during this projected pandemic- especially when they all said they had NOT been contacted for support!

Just WHAT was the plan by Hill- wait for federal money before doing anything?

He should have brought his concerns to city council time and again until everyone got it that we need to look at this and plan for it, whether it be asking for more money in the budget or at the very least- getting that vendor list contacted so everyone there was on the same page!!!

It sucked that I could not go and receive the vaccine since I was ill. I "qualified" since I am in home health, but it didn't matter anyway since I was ill and there were only 4 distribution sites!

Only 4!!! Guaranteeing that there would be long lines!

It didn't have to be that way!

And remember what the weather was like last week? Cold, wind and SNOW.

Another thing that gets my goat was watching Channel 7's Stephanie Valle reporting "on the scene" at 6 in the morning. Stephanie was amazed that there were not lines already at that hour. Even though the clinics didn't open until 7 a.m.


Is everyone out of touch here?

For one, the weather was horrific for El Paso. Coming from Chicago myself it was pretty much a nuisance but everyday par for the course, even though I am starting to get acclimated to El Paso.

But another thing is, these vaccines were for the pregnant, young children, and elderly, besides those in the medical field etc.

And alot of us take the bus!

And alot of them don't start running until 6, 7, 8 in the morning- or they don't get to certain destinations until at least that time or later.

So I don't understand why Stephanie Valle was so surprised.

Of course, as it got later in the day the lines formed and then that was the news.


Umm, why didn't we start giving out this vaccine sooner, like BEFORE flu season?

Was it people in our government, like Mr. Hill, that were asleep at the wheel?

Looks like a duck...

walks like a duck....

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