Sunday, November 29, 2009

abc7's Xtra

Caught abc7's xtra show tonight with host Darren Hunt and guests Major General Howard Bromberg and Colonel Manning.

The main focus was on the recent Ft. Hood attack and how Ft. Bliss is stepping up measures in security and mental health services.

Col. Manning was forthcoming on gate times and gate expansion, also explaining that Ft. Bliss has doubled in size since 2005 and that added to tougher security checks will increase gate times but they feel the times are still within reason.

Col. Manning also talked about new facilities opening this week and next year for expanded mental health services and outreach programs.

Sounds like we're on the right path.

What bothered me were some of the remarks made by Maj. Gen. Howard Bromberg.

Randy from the Eastside called in with an observation.

I couldn't understand if he said he was retired or near retirement as a warrant officer, but Randy was talking about visiting the south gym on base a few times a week and that he had noticed a marked difference in the level of esprit (spirit and liveliness, morale). He remarked that the soldiers were less lively and that the mood was more subdued, almost tense.

Maj. Gen. Bromberg answered back that he had just been to the Turkey Trot and that morale was high and that the soldiers he has talked to directly explained that they were concerned about certain things but that it would in no way impede their performance of duties.

What the hell else is a soldier supposed to say?

Randy from the Eastside stated that he was just trying to give another set of eyes and ears to the Maj. Gen. but it looks like that just fell on deaf ears.

Interesting dynamics at play here.

Even if the Maj. Gen were sincere in his inquiries of some soldiers, it's a fine line for soldiers to decide how to actually answer that. It's quite an intimidating situation and at the moment probably seems like a no-win situation so one says things are good, no problem.

It takes a wise man to listen to the ones that are beyond reproach or actually risk being ignored or ridiculed to tell him that the emperor has no clothes.

I hope Maj. Gen. Bromberg takes a closer look/listen to the people that are being honest with him about these issues.

Now on to Darren Hunt.


Thanks for messing up my name and using part of my email address instead- real professional!

Then he rambled and mumbled through my question and kept referring to me as "he" since he messed up my name.

At least Col. Manning understood enough to clearly answer my question, which was this...

"so far I am hearing about more security at the gates for Ft. Bliss- all well and good, and needed. And I'm hearing about the stresses- can we expound on that please? What is being done as far as mental health services right now and in the future on the base?"

I was glad to not just hear the usual pat answer that we are looking into it and it is always a priority- Col. Manning told us what was being done and when- thank you!

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