Had to take a day or two off to run around like a chicken with its head cut off and finally for a bit of r&r. The latter consisted of shopping and cooking and attending our private end-of-season party for our pool team.
Talk about fun! I learned how to play 9-ball. Alot faster than 8-ball, obviously, and a whole different kinda game. Hey, I'm new to this so I'm still excited by the concept.
One thing I did during one game of 9-ball that my friend couldn't understand was me taking a risk.
I had semi-easy shots that were more plausible to make and run up the numbers to get to the 9 ball. I did that the first couple games. This time, tho, I had the chance to shoot my next in sequence ball and combo into the 9 ball and into the pocket- winning the game. I had an open and close shot to shoot the other ball into a corner pocket but I like to stretch my learning skills (and luck) and go for it all. I missed, barely. If I had made it the bar would have erupted in applause. But I didn't, and that's the chance I took.
My friend didn't understand why I didn't go for the safe shot. I tried to explain to her it's not all about winning and losing- it's about HOW you play the game and the fun you have. Sounds cheesy but it's my strong feeling/take on things.
I was not playing for a $10,000 jackpot nor the league championship. I was playing to have fun, to practice the "duck shots" that even the best of the best miss at times, and to push the envelope. If I had alot more experience I would say I may have had a 50/50 chance of making that shot. But I don't have that experience, and that's why it was more fun! The risk was higher and the reward would have been bigger.
But there still was a reward. I almost made it. Eventually I WILL be able to make that shot. It was fun and I wouldn't change it for anything.
I just hope that when I get to the point that alot of people are at in our league in skill level that I don't stop taking risks.
I'm not dumb, tho, there IS a difference between taking a risk and taking a calculated risk. But there's a time and place for both kinds, and since I have the "rookie" label I can get away with more- lol!
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