Being on the Citizen's Advisory Committee to the Mass Transit Board/Sun Metro is one of the most interesting and frustrating ways I know to spend my 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Lemme just say- I did not get nominated to that board because I have relatives in town. Nor did any friends owe me a favor. And I'm definitely not running for any office nor do I ever plan to run (I know- famous last words of so many here). I'm truly interested in improving our transportation woes, especially for the disabled.
That said- I want to write about my experiences of being on this committee. I want "the people" to see just what one goes through in the push for progress and transparency.
Anyone that knows me knows I'm not a public speaker- lol- I'll be the first to admit that- I HATE IT! Thank goodness for writing. When I do speak I call it like I see it. I hate the game-playing and mincing of words that goes on in government.
I want to write about past meetings that are already of public record. But I want to tell you what you WON'T read in the heavily condensed minutes. That's where the true story lies.
I want to give you background of struggles I've experienced, so it will take quite a few posts to get everyone up to speed. Bear with me, it's important to see the whole picture and it will take some time.
That said, I'm glad I took a couple days off before posting about my recent frustrations. It gave me time to cool down and hopefully now I can get the whole story out clearly and calmly.
Hang on, we're in for a bumpy ride.....
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