Remember when we were like 9-13 years old and we thought it was hilarious to crank call people (some we knew, some we didn't) and ask them "is your refrigerator running?- well you better go catch it!!" and hang up laughing our behinds off?
Well, seems it's still going on nowadays only it's a bit different.
Crank texting is the new crank call.
And it seems 9-13 yrs old isn't the case anymore- this guy looks a little older.
The guy in the pic above texted me this morning around 3:45 am.
And he wouldn't leave it alone or give up bugging me even though I texted him that I didn't know him.
You see, I have 'Bev's old cell phone number and her friends that haven't talked to her in over a year and a half are still trying to get ahold of her. Bev is a pretty popular girl it seems- this guy texted me he had a dream about her and wanted to see her.
The guy finally gave it up after I threatened to go to the police with all his info- the sucker even sent me a pic- what a dork!
So it really wasn't crank texting, but it became a nuisance after I told him repeatedly I wasn't Bev and she hasn't had this number in years.
When are we going to have some kind of cellphone directory? I know it'd be a helluva job updating that list- can you imagine?!!!
Maybe Obama can stimulate the economy by creating a national cellphone list and all the people without jobs can work from their home computers doing data entry, with insurance to cover their carpel tunnel syndrome. Moms and Dads can stay at home and do this job and the kids can have both parents home to keep an eye on them. Wow- what a concept!
Looks like this kid in the pic could use a little supervision.
Anyway- these are things that make me go hmmmmm.
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